Sirli Kivisaar – Estonia

Metaphorical maps working with the OH Cards

Sirli Kivisaar

Tartu, Estonia

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Story from Sirli Kivisaar

I discovered the world of metaphorical maps working with the OH Cards about ten years ago, when they were first introduced to me by the trauma psychologist Ofra Ayalon. From that moment on, I was surprised by the cards and have since used them in my work as a psychotherapist and as an instructor.

Metaphorical maps are a great tool in therapies, because they help to get to the heart of a problem a lot faster than it would be possible in conversation. I am still amazed at how quickly it is possible for patients to recognize their own problems by using the metaphorical maps and to find a way to solve the problems. I use the cards both in working with adults and also with children.

As I teach children specialists, the use of the cards are finding their way into the daily practice of specialists dealing with children in Estonia.  Since I am still so enthusiastic about these cards even after ten years, I believe that this enthusiasm will never go away. Thank you!

Original Language Text

Avastasin metafoorkaartide maailma umbes 10 a tagasi tänu kriispsühholoog Ofra Ayalonile. OH-kaardid kõnetasid mind koheselt ning olen sellest ajast alates kasutanud neid oma töös nii kool itaja kui
psühhoterapeudina. Metafoorkaardid on heaks vahendiks, mis aitavad jõuda kliendini kiiremini kui vaid vestluse abil. Olen mitmeid kordi üllatunud, kui kiiresti ja efektiivselt leiame kaartide abil tee probleemini ja ka sammud probleemiga tegelemiseks.

Kasutan kaarte nii laste kui täiskasvanutega. Kuna õpetan lastega tegelevaid spetsialiste, siis ühe enam leiavad kaardid tee Eestis ka lastega tegelevate spetsialistideni. Arvestades vaimustust, mida kaardid veel 10 aastat hiljemgi minus tekitavad, ei vaibu see kirg tõenäoliselt kunagi.