Irena Bezic – Croatia

A popular, creative medium in psychotherapy

Irena Bezic Psychotherapist

Zagreb, Croatia


Text by Irena Bezic

Since the beginning of my cooperation with Moritz Egetmeyer 15 years ago, OH cards have become a popular, creative medium in psychotherapy and psychological care in Croatia. I am very pleased with this development because I am convinced that this is a great way to work with projective material without “threatening” people to disclose their subconscious, less controlled pages.

Being an instructor for Gestalt Therapy, I introduced the third year OH cards as part of the curriculum. Working with the cards helps students understand supervision rather than development potential for advanced viewing angles in future work, and less than an area of ​​judgment and critique. I have also presented the work with the cards in the training of carers, and today the OH cards are part of the “work tools” of the majority of psycho-social carers in Croatia, especially in the group of supervision. Working with OH cards is now just as popular in kindergartens as in retirement homes.

Nowadays, with conservative policies in Croatia on the rise, and others, “dark threats” resulting from our unstable society, I am very grateful that we were able to introduce the OH cards into society – thanks to them people have a different one A relatively easy way to use your creative potential without fear of being convicted. The cards also give them the opportunity to enjoy creative encounters with others and share commonalities and connect with people regardless of seemingly divisive differences.

Original Language Text

U zadnjih 15 godina, od početka suradnje s Moritzom Egetmeyerom, rad sa OH kartama je postao vrlo popularan kreativni medij u području savjetovanja i psihoterapije u Hrvatskoj. Ovaj razvoj me osobno jako veseli – uvjerena sam da je baš ova metoda rada sa projektivnim materijalom omogućuje «otvaranje» bez straha i nesigurnosti u izlaganju podsvjesnih «mračnih» i manje kontroliranih strana osobnosti.

Budući da vodim edukaciju iz gestalt psihoterapije, uvela sam rad s OH kartama u program edukacije na trećoj godini – rad s asocijativnim kartama u supervizijskom settingu pomaže studentima da superviziju shvate kao potencijal za razvoj novih perspektiva u njihovom radu s klijentima, a ne kao područje procjenjivanja i kritike. Pokazala sam rad s kartama i u edukaciji supervizora i sad su OH karte dio «alata» kojim se koristi većina supervizora u psiho-socijalnom radu, pogotovo u području timske supervizije. Asocijativne karte vesele profesionalce i korisnike domova za starije kao i dječjih vrtića.