This article describes a modified form of the IPPI interview for children based on the use of pictorial representations, i.e., the Metaphoric and Associative Cards, “OH-Cards”. A clinical vignette illustrates the different steps of this intervention such as those provided to sibling 6-year-old twins in the context of a post-immediate CUMP intervention after a drowning.
Results. – Adding the pictorial cards to IPPI interview techniques facilitated the children’s verbaliza- tion, the narrative reports of the traumatic experience with the professional, and globally enhanced the symbolization process.
Discussion. – This developmental-sensitive adaptation of the commonly used debriefing approach illus- trates the positive synergy between the professional cultures of the clinicians from the CUMP and the child psychiatrists.
Conclusion. – Children-specific adaptations of the IPPI based on symbolic mediators, such as pictorial cards, should be considered as a reference tool at this age in the training of CUMP professionals.
Professional Publications
Physiological indicators of emotional arousal related to ANS activity in response to associative cards for psychotherapeutic PTSD treatment By Sivan Raz and Mooli Lahad SEE FAR CBT is an integrative treatment protocol for PTSD and anxiety disorders which combines CBT, body-mind (somatic experience) and imagery-based (fantastic reality; FR) methods. FR is introduced using associative therapeutic […]
Continue ReadingAuszüge der SWR2 Sendung vom 18. August 2020 Es kursieren viele Neuromythen darüber, wie man sein Gehirn täglich fit machen kann, zum Beispiel durch das berüchtigte Lernen im Schlaf, durch Lernen bei guter Laune, Lernen mit bestimmten Assoziationsketten oder Memotechniken. Dabei wird das Gehirn oftmals mit einem Muskel verglichen, den man einfach trainieren könne. Doch […]
Continue ReadingExplorando afectos disociados con “Resilio” Julia -de 14 años- llega a la consulta derivada por su nutricionista, quien observa mucha angustia contenida debido a la presencia de conflictos familiares. Padece sobrepeso desde los 10 años, momento en que sus padres se separan en medio de mutuas acusaciones. Julia y su hermana, Mara, repiten una modalidad […]
Continue ReadingUkrainian authors Popova and Miloradova analyzed the main psychological mechanisms of metaphoric associative cards’ influence; in particular, the study of the unconscious through the use of metaphoric associative cards as compared to other methods.
Continue ReadingThis article by Santiago Jacome O. covers the use of associative images, such as OH Cards, in conjuction with EMDR therapy. The article is available in the original Spanish and as a English translation.
Continue ReadingAn overview of three levels of difficulty children face regarding trauma. The material presented was designed for application by Israeli and Palestinian teachers in their classrooms.
Continue ReadingAn abstract of an scholarly article suggesting a protocol for the treatment of anxiety disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). “The model emphasizes the role of fantastic reality and the use of imaginal re-narration of the traumatic event with the use of cards as a means of externalization or distancing.”
Continue ReadingA translation of a Russian article about the application of associative cards in counseling and psychotherapy for patients with psychosomatic disorders, by a practicing psychoanalytic therapist.
Continue ReadingL’article de Christine Gatineau a été publié dans le numéro 2010 de la revue Synodies. Les Cartes Associatives Activent L’inconscient. Le Processus Mis En Oeuvre Permet De Contourner Le Mental Pour Avancer Dans Les Profondeurs De La Psyché. En Quelques Instants, Elles Font Spontanément Jaillir En Nous Des Associations D’idées, Et Révèlent Du Même Coup […]
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