OH Cards make a showing at the 5th International Conference of Experiential Psychotherapy and Unifying Personal Development, Bucharest, Romania, March 29-30.
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We’ve created a free four-page PDF called the OH Cards Quick-Start Guide, to introduce the cards, offer a few activities, and more. You’re welcome to print it, email it, use it with friends you play OH with or clients you use OH to work with.
Continue ReadingIn Christine Gatineau’s article, she introduced associative OH Cards and their process of bypassing the mind to allow advancement into the depths of the psyche.
Continue ReadingIn his book about group facilitation techniques, psychologist Pedro Bolgeri Escorza presents an OH Cards exercise for groups.
Continue ReadingLinks to information about and excerpts from this OH Cards book by Walter Kirschke.
Continue ReadingA review of OH Cards as an important therapeutic element in counseling, presented at the International Counseling and Social Work Symposium.
Continue ReadingAn overview of OH Cards to aid specialists who work with groups. Topics include OH history, principles of use, application, and examples.
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