Explorando afectos disociados con “Resilio” Julia -de 14 años- llega a la consulta derivada por su nutricionista, quien observa mucha angustia contenida debido a la presencia de conflictos familiares. Padece sobrepeso desde los 10 años, momento en que sus padres se separan en medio de mutuas acusaciones. Julia y su hermana, Mara, repiten una modalidad […]

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Tratar los problemas del sueño con tarjetas Morená Pablo, un niño de 10 años, fue traído a la consulta por problemas de sueño, los que comenzaron luego de un accidente automovilístico, en el que Pablo dormía al chocar el auto en el que viajaba con su familia. A mitad de la noche despierta, se siente […]

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(Translated from Spanish, see below for original language version) Exploring Dissociated Affections with “Resilio” Julia -a 14 year-old girl- arrives to her consultation referred by her nutritionist, who sees a great amount of pent-up distress caused by family conflict. She has been overweight since she was 10 years old, point in her life in which […]

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(Translated from Spanish, see below for original language version) Treating Sleeping Problems using Morena Cards Pablo, a 10-year-old boy, was brought to the consultation because he had trouble sleeping, a problem that started after a car accident. Pablo was sleeping when the car in which he was travelling with his family crashed. He usually woke […]

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Text by Irena Bezic Since the beginning of my cooperation with Moritz Egetmeyer 15 years ago, OH cards have become a popular, creative medium in psychotherapy and psychological care in Croatia. I am very pleased with this development because I am convinced that this is a great way to work with projective material without “threatening” […]

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